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Sales Efficieny Tools

Sales funnel


The sales funnel is the most common representation of sales data used by team managers and Channel Managers. 

It is often misjudged as a tool to manage your sales, however it is more of an analytical tool, that allows the manager to understand what is happening at different stages of the sales process - in B2B, online as well as door to door sales.

The sales funnel uses the stages of your Customer journey and quantifies parameters like sales value, time and contribution margin. 


Usefull resources:

Online sales channel: The Entrepreneur

IT tools: Autogrow.co


26 March 2018

Social Media


All rights reserved Robert Sababady © 2018

Industry expertise

Industries that I feel comfortable in:

  • Energy
  • Logistics
  • IT
  • Telecommunications


The Entrepreneur.com ... Instead of creating a product made for everyone but appealing to no one, they've become known for having the best tool on the market for a specific segment of the market.

Quotes that I like




Industries that I feel comfortable in:

  • Energy
  • Logistics
  • IT
  • Telecommunications