The biggest change challenge I have ever had - The largest cable operator in the capital of Poland - Warsaw, that provided services to the residential market was to launch businesses services. The project had two stages:
The project involved branding B2B services, launching new products for business clients (SoHo, SME, CMA), utilising as much of the existing systems and resources as possible, acquiring and merging three smaller B2B telcos into the organization and driving positive EBITDA for the B2B Revenue Center.
We then prepared the whole organization for sale, went through the pitch and bidding process. I was eventually asked by the buyer to stay on to integrate the newly acquired business into the buyers organization.
I was asked to join this courier and logistics company as they had been running a negative EBITDA for two consecutive years and could not unleash the energy of the staff to achieve sales goals.
The results were a +5% EBITDA after one year achieved through:
I work with several startups as a coach. My role is non operational, however I often participate in operational tasks and processes coaching the responsible people or sitting in for a resource is unavailable.
My key role however is advising founders of startups on how to proceed and keep them focused on driving profitability.
My most successful startups have been:
My most unsuccessful startups were:
Launching B2B services in
a residential cable operator
Coaching lean startups
I have worked in sales all my life - walking streets, leading teams, sitting on Management Boards and Supervisory Boards.
Postgraduate MBA. MSc Electronic Engineering, Diploma in Marketing Fundamentals.
I was gifted to have worked with several brilliant people who taught me to listen, understand, analyze, structure knowledge without judgement and open my mind to new concepts.
Social Media
All rights reserved Robert Sababady © 2018
Industry expertise
Industries that I feel comfortable in:
The ... Instead of creating a product made for everyone but appealing to no one, they've become known for having the best tool on the market for a specific segment of the market.
Quotes that I like
Industries that I feel comfortable in: